Can Bangladesh absorb LDC graduation-induced tariff hikes? Evidence using product-specific price elasticities of demand and markups for apparel exports to Europe
Sensitizing and promoting direct taxation to boost revenue and tackle inequality in Bangladesh product-specific price elasticities of demand and markups for apparel exports to Europe
Sensitizing and promoting direct taxation to boost revenue and tackle inequality in Bangladesh
About the project
Partner: International Growth Centre (IGC).
The Gini coefficient in Bangladesh has risen, indicating increased inequality. Recognizing the need for a fair society and higher government revenue, RAPID, supported by IGC and Kivu International, has been advocating for a progressive direct taxation system. The National Board of Revenue (NBR) has started acknowledging the importance of direct taxation. IGC has commissioned an extension of the project to further research and sensitize stakeholders on the role of direct taxation in reducing inequality. Using quantitative techniques and Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) data, the study aims to provide evidence supporting direct taxation as a means to lower inequality and enhance government revenue. The goal is to inform the NBR's upcoming revenue strategy and contribute to improved fiscal management in Bangladesh. RAPID's expertise and contacts will be utilized for key informant interviews and stakeholder consultations to validate research findings. The dissemination of research outputs will play a crucial role in sensitizing stakeholders and fostering policy change towards a more equitable tax regime.