Selected RAPID Projects
Benchmark Survey on Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh
Commissioned by ADBStrengthening Social Protection Programmes
Commissioned by ADBAssessment of the effectiveness of key tripartite social dialogue mechanisms in Bangladesh
Commissioned by International Labour Organization (ILO)The Economic Impact of LDC Graduation on Bangladesh's Pharmaceutical Industry and its Implications for Drug Prices in the Local Market
Commissioned by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)Developing Roadmap for Childcare in Bangladesh
Commissioned by International Labour Organization (ILO)Research and Advisory Support to the JICA-Commissioned Team for Devising a Strategy to Strengthen the Social Security System in Bangladesh
Commissioned by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)Assessing the Impact of the European Union's Free Trade Agreements with Other Countries on Bangladesh's Export Competitiveness
Commissioned by The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project (BRCP)-1
Commissioned by Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1 and Joint Secretary (Planning Cell), Ministry of CommerceCan Bangladesh absorb LDC graduation-induced tariff hikes? Evidence using product-specific price elasticities of demand and markups for apparel exports to Europe
Commissioned by International Growth Centre (IGC)Technical and logistic assistance in organizing technical dialogue series on National Employment Policies across the country
Commissioned by International Labour Organization (ILO)Organise training courses on 'Unemployment Insurance' and assist South-South collaboration between institutions in Bangladesh and Indonesia
Commissioned by ILOSensitizing and promoting direct taxation to boost revenue and tackle inequality in Bangladesh
Commissioned by International Growth Centre (IGC)Upscaling the RMG Sector
Commissioned by SSGP, Economic Relation Division, Ministry of FinanceBangladesh–EU Trade and Geoeconomics
Commissioned by the FES BangladeshDiversifying Bangladesh’s Exports to the UK
Commissioned by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UKMaking Light Engineering Firms Export-Ready: A Study on Selected Enterprises.
Commissioned by Light Engineering Product Business Promotion Council, Ministry of Commerce and Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owners’ Association (BEIOA).Final Evaluation of 7th Five Year Plan
Commissioned by General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People's Republic of BangladeshKnowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey on behavioral aspects of the beneficiaries of Mother and Child Benefit Programme (M&CBP)
Commissioned by UNICEFPolicy Analysis: Addressing poverty and vulnerability in Char areas
Commissioned by SwisscontactUniversal Social Protection and National Social Insurance Scheme in Bangladesh
Commissioned by ILOBangladesh-EU Trade and Economic Partnership
Commissioned by the FES BangladeshCOVID-19 Impacts on Tanneries
Commissioned by The Asia FoundationSocial Insurance Diagnostics
Commissioned by UNDP, DhakaDatabase Preparation for the Light Engineering Sector
Commissioned by Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owners’ Association (BEIOA) and Business Promotion Council, Ministry of CommerceRapid Wage Digitization in the RMG Sector
Commissioned by Mathematica Inc., USAA Household Survey to Assess the Exclusion Error from Old-age and Widow Allowances
Commissioned by Asian Development BankSocial Protection for Tea Garden Workers
Commissioned by UNICEFSkills Demand and Skills Gaps in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry
Commissioned by UNDP, DhakaDigital Exports and Cross-border Data Flows
Commissioned by CUTS International, India.COVID-19 Stimulus Packages
Commissioned by The Asia FoundationBudgetary Allocation for Migrant Workers
Commissioned by WARBE Development Foundation, BangladeshImpact Evaluation – Mental Health Support for COVID-19 Affected Population
Comissioned by Sajida Foundation, BangladeshImpact of COVID-19 on the Workers of the Leather Tanning Industry
Commissioned by The Asia FoundationBudget Analysis FY21
COVID-19 Impact Assessments
Readymade Garments Exports: A Comparative Assessment of Bangladesh and Vietnam
Developing Roadmap for Childcare in Bangladesh
Commissioned by UNICEFAnalysis of the Situation (SitAn) of Children in Bangladesh
Commissioned by UNICEFWomen Labour Migration from Bangladesh: markets, gender and politics
Commissioned by International Labour Organization (ILO)Open Budget Survey 2019
Commissioned by International Budget Partnership, Washington DC, USABudget Credibility
Commissioned by International Budget Partnership, Washington DC, USAPromoting Decent Work and Acceptable Working Conditions in the Tannery Sector in Bangladesh: Tannery Sector and its Relocation
Commissioned by The Asia FoundationImproving the Accessibility of the Bangladesh Budget and Encouraging Greater Budget Awareness through Local Dialogue
Commissioned by Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC), New York, USAThe Rohingya response in Bangladesh and the Global Compact on Refugees
Commissioned by Overseas Development Institute (ODI), LondonHarmonisation of Small Social Security Programmes: Issues and Policy Options
Commissioned by UNDP, DhakaAssessing Skill Development Impact of the Workfare Programmes
Commissioned by UNDP, DhakaDiagnostics for Urban Poverty and the Social Security Needs of the Urban Poor in Bangladesh
Commissioned by UNDP, DhakaUsing Direct Taxation to Boost Revenue and Tackle Inequality in Bangladesh
Commissioned with the support from FCDO, UK, directed by International Growth Centre and Kivu International, UK.