
How can Bangladesh utilise the potential of man-made fibre in RMG sector?

Bangladesh captures less than 5% of global non-cotton apparel market. What can be done enhance such export?

Survey Report: In what ways does the uneven spread of cross-border migration affect men and women differently in different parts of Bangladesh?

Women’s and men’s participation in cross-border labour migration in five districts of Bangladesh.

Open Budget Survey 2021: Where does Bangladesh stand?

Explore Bangladesh's standing in the Open Budget Survey 2021.

RAPID Research: How can Bangladesh utilise the potential of South-South Cooperation

How can Bangladesh materialize the potential of South-South cooperation? Explore through this slide deck based on RAPID research.

In Media: RAPID study on direct taxation draws attention of stakeholders

RAPID research shows that average revenue per individual taxpayer was 0.1 million in 2020-21 in a year, down from .24 million in 2015-16.

Research Summary: Bangladesh-EU trade and Economic Partnership

Read the summary findings of a study undertaken on Bangladesh-EU trade and economic cooperation.

Rebels, victims, agents of change: The singular histories of women migrant workers

The purpose of this ethnographic study is to shed light on how women view their migration and work abroad.

Report: Employment and working conditions in Bangladesh’s leather industry

This study aims to assess the employment and working conditions in Bangladesh’s leather industry.

Policy Brief: What are the key issues at stake affecting Bangladesh-EU relations?

What are the emerging issues affecting Bangladesh-EU relations? What can be done on priority basis? Leaf through this Policy brief by by Dr M A Razzaque and Jillur Rahman

Impact of cross-border data flow restrictions on Bangladesh economy

If Bangladesh imposes controls similar to India, the adverse output impact could be 0.58% as a result of a 29% drop in digital service exports.

Digital Exports and Cross-border Data Flows: Perspectives from Bangladesh

Bangladesh's digital services exports are estimated to decline, ranging from 29 to 44 percent, depending upon the severity of cross border data flow restrictions and retaliatory measures.

Making the Most of Market Access in China: What Needs to be Done?

What can be done to make the most out of the market access facility in China? Leaf through this piece by RAPID Chairman Dr M A Razzaque.

Rapid Wage Digitization in the RMG Sector

Assessment of Skills Demand and Skills Gaps in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry of Bangladesh

Research Paper: Workfare Programmes and Skill Development in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Implications

How much are Social Security Programmes (SSPs) workfare programmes contributing to increasing skills of the beneficiaries?

Research Paper: Harmonisation of Small Social Security Programmes: Issues and Policy Options

There are as many as 84 social security programmes (SSPs) each with an individual share less than 0.5 per cent of the total SSP budget.