News and Events

RAPID Staff Member(s) of the Month

RAPID Staff Seminar Series

The DFS infrastructure rapidly expanded and became more inclusive through the proliferation of MFSPs, cash-in-cash-out (CICO) points, and agents, but cash-out fees remained prohibitive for many

RAPID in Media

RAPID Events

Reminiscing 2022

RAPID has been proactively involved in undertaking high-quality research, capacity building sessions, and a wide range of stakeholder consultations in 2022. Have a look at the snapshot of RAPID's activity in 2022.

অন্তঃসত্ত্বা ও দুগ্ধদানকারী মায়েদের সুরক্ষা কর্মসূচির আওতায় রয়েছেন চা-বাগানের মাত্র ১২ শতাংশ মা।

জাতিসংঘ বাংলাদেশের জয়েন্ট এসডিজি ফান্ড কর্মসূচির আওতায় ‘চা-বাগানের নারী ও শিশুদের সামাজিক সুরক্ষাব্যবস্থা জোরদারে করণীয়’ শিরোনামে এ সংলাপের আয়োজন করে ইউনিসেফ, রিসার্চ অ্যান্ড পলিসি ইন্টিগ্রেশন ফর ডেভেলপমেন্ট (র‍্যাপিড) ও প্রথম আলো।

Speakers emphasize incorporating industry attachment in each semester of university

Webinar on 'Assessment of Skills Demand and Gaps in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry of Bangladesh'.

Trade and poverty: What do we know?

RAPID Chairman Dr M A Razzaque spoke as a discussant in a seminar on Trade and Poverty, highlighting policy implications towards ‘inclusive trade’. The event was organized by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.

Media Representation of Women Migrant Workers: A Critical Look

This webinar discussed how media reporting can could be improved with regards to representation of women migrant workers. Event held on 19 February 2022.

COVID-19 Stimulus Packages

Watch this webinar titled ‘COVID-19 Stimulus Packages: An Analysis of Institutional Capacity, Transparency, and Accountability’, held on 29 January 2022.

Bangladesh’s digital service exports to decline by 29-44%

Read this media report by The Financial Express on the RAPID webinar titled ‘Digital Exports and Cross Border Data Flows: The Bangladesh Perspective’.

Digital Exports and Cross Border Data Flows: The Bangladesh Perspective

Tune into this webinar titled ‘Digital Exports and Cross Border Data Flows: The Bangladesh Perspective’, organised by RAPID on 30 November 2021.

Inclusive Growth: Bangladesh at 50 and beyond

Watch this webinar titled ‘Journey Towards Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policy Imperatives for Bangladesh at 50 and beyond’, organised by RAPID and The Asia Foundation on 27 November 2021.

Economists for curbing inequality to make development meaningful

RAPID researchers shared the study findings with top-level policymakers and stakeholders. Read this report by The Business Standard on the event.

People’s Debate: Offshore Wealth of Developing Countries

RAPID Economist Rabiul Islam moderated an event organized by Economics Study Center and EMK Center. Click the link to view the media report

RAPID-BASIS Discussion: Bridging the Skills Gap in the Bangladesh Business Process Outsourcing Sector

Meeting with BASIS as part of a RAPID-UNDP study on the services outsourcing sector

RAPID-BACCO Meeting on Skills Gap in the BPO Sector of Bangladesh

Meeting with BACCO as a RAPID-UNDP major study on the services outsourcing sector makes a head start