Workshop on COVID-19 and International Trade Issues
RAPID Talk: করোনা সংকটে ক্ষুদ্র ব্যবসায়ী

Harmonisation of Small Social Security Programmes: Issues and Policy Options

The research was conducted by RAPID in collaboration with UNDP and the Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh.


One of the major programmatic reforms stipulated in the National Social Security Strategy (NSSS) of Bangladesh is the consolidation of the ‘small’ programmes. As an effective means for reducing administrative costs, the strategy prescribed for harmonisation of small SSPs in conformity with the life cycle risk-based major programmes. Despite the direction provided, there has only been a limited progress in small programme consolidation. The underlying reasons for this can be attributed to the lack of definitional clarity in the NSSS in defining small programmes, insufficient coordination among the line ministries, as well as lack of a clear guidance navigating the concerned ministries for such consolidation. The aim of this report is to help identify the small SSPs and propose a framework for harmonisation. Download the report

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Bangladesh government's social protection data portal
